PhotoWalk 4-Mar-2017 (Theme: PhotoWalk Friend)

posted in: Announcements, Photo Walks | 0

This Saturday our photowalk is going to be an afternoon trip to Thamel. This week the theme is going to be ‘Portrait of a PhotoWalk Friend‘; its more of a challenge than a theme. Its not compulsory but its going to be a good creative exercise for those who chose to do it.

If you chose to accept the challenge here is the process and guidelines:

  1. At the start of the photo walk everyone will select one partner to pair with and they will be photographing each other for the challenge.
  2. All the photos taken as part of the challenge has to be a posed portrait, that means no candid shots and no shots of the subject while (s)he is taking a picture.
  3. The person being photographed (the model) may not make any suggestions regarding pose, angle or any other photography techniques to their partner (the photographer).
  4. The photograph can be a close-up head and shoulder portrait or a full length location portrait.
  5. You have to post 3 to 5 photographs of your challenge partner to your facebook album for the photowalk and mention in the caption which photos you took as part of the challenge.
  6. Your partner must be happy with the photos you post of them.
  7. You are expected and encouraged to take lots of photos other than those you shoot for the challenge; Thamel is, after all, a great place for street photography.

At the start of the photowalk there will be a short orientation on taking portraits on the street and how you can make the most out of this challenge. We meet at the entrance of the parking of Karmachari Sanchaykosh, in front of Tridevi temple at 3:30pm [Location Map] Please be there on time if you don’t want to miss the orientation.

PhotoWalk Friend

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