Photo Walk 4-Jan-2014 (photos)

posted in: Galleries, Photo Walks | 4

This weekend’s photo walk to Kirtipur was ‘one of the most interesting photo walks in a long time’; as said by quite a few participants. We got to shoot some really nice photos and the food that we had at the end of the walk was just beyond words. Local authentic Newari cuisine in a traditional Newari ambiance, it does not get any better than that.

Here are a few selected photos from the trip:

Since I took a lot of pictures during the trip I divided them into two categories for my facebook albums.
1. Photo of people and place and
2. Photos of our photo walk team members

And here are photos taken by some of the photo walk members in their respective facebook albums
Photos by Ajay Rana Bhat
Photos by Bishoka Mulmi
Photos by Santosh Raj Pathak
Photos by Shreemila

Other friends who have not uploaded their photos yet or those that I missed, please leave a link to your album of photos from this trip in the comments below.

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4 Responses

    • Om Yadav

      Vigyan! I didn’t see your photos because you seem to upload your photos to a page instead of your timeline or albums. Since I disable news feeds from fb pages I don’t see page updates.
      Now that you have posted the link in the comment we can see the photos.

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