Workshop on Wildlife Photography

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Wildlife photography workshop

Learn in the field with Om Yadav during the following activities:

  • Whole day open jeep safari to the heart of National park forest
  • Boat ride in river densely populated with: Marsh muggers, Gharials and beautiful birds
  • Jungle walks inside the National Park and community forest

Want more? You get to take your taste-buds on an adventure and photograph parts of local culture as a bonus. The trip includes an amazing experience of authentic ‘Tharu’ culture and cuisine. All lunch and dinners are going to be authentic Tharu food with one full course Tharu lunch and traditional Tharu dance.

Trip Details

Date: 28-31 March, 2014
Cost:  Rs 15,000/- per person for Nepali,  NRs 24,000/- per person for foreigners

What is included in the above mentioned cost

  • Photography lessons
  • All Transportation costs
  • All jungle safaris
  • Breakfasts, Lunches and Dinners at Chitwan, including packed lunch for full day open jeep safari
  • Accommodation (twin-sharing basis)

What is not included

  • Food during travel
  • Personal insurance of any kind
  • Personal consumption of alcohol and beverages

What to expect as photographic subjects

  • Great one-horned rhinos
  • Marsh mugger and Gharial crocodiles
  • Different types of deers
  • Lots of species of birds
  • Peacocks in flight and with their colorful display (its the breeding season of peacocks, we can be sure to get them at their best) and
  • Maybe some wild cats (Bengal Tiger and Leopard) if we are lucky.

For more details please send an email to om[at]opyadav[dot]com and please feel free to share this.

Limited Seats Available on First Come First Serve Basis

  1. Deepak Khanal

    Seems great programmed and i should joined with you guys, i am missing Chitwan National park. Thank you so much for your great effort in photography and teach to other. You are great photographer Om Sir.Good Luck ahead.

    Deepak Khanal

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