Photo Walk 22-Mar-2014 (announcement)

posted in: Announcements, Photo Walks | 2

This Saturday we are going to have our photo-walk in the late afternoon from 3pm onwards at Bouddhanath Stupa. We plan to stay there until about 7:00pm and hope to get some night shots. For the night shots it is recommended that you bring a tripod and a wide angle lens that can go below 20mm.
There is no meeting point for the walk just show up at the Stupa and call [Location Map]

2 Responses

  1. Bibi Maya

    Namaste Omjee, how r u? I’m interested for a greekfriend of me that arrived today…he has a Nikon and should be nice for him to join, can he? Maybe it will be difficult for me, but i m working in a shop around the stuppa so i can see u for a while. Take care…see u tomorrow 🙂

    • Om Yadav

      Namaste! I am fine thank you! Of course he can join, please ask him to be at Bouddha around 3:00pm

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